Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A fun fall day at the zoo

What a fun fall day at the zoo!!!!  It was actually nice to be with older kiddos who were actually interested in seeing all the animals.  I think we saw every single exhibit and had to be sure we were able to spot each animal in each cage. This was a nice change of pace for me since my guys just see the zoo as a free for all running ground.  Not really, they are starting to enjoy all the animals and making the sound that goes with that particular animal.  Along with walking our little tails off, we rode the carousal, looked through the shops and tried to catch the train, but it was closed for repairs. I really enjoyed having lots of helpers with me and watching the babies interact and have fun with their cousins and Oma. 

Mason and Ethan

Gavin, our tour guide

Mommy monkey with her baby (Lola)

Our first time on the carousal

Everyone had to see what bird they were

Oma and her 5 handsome grandsons

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Great pictures!! The baby monkey is so cute!!