Well, sort of. I didn't really see much of New York, but I did spend 4 days there. Last week I traveled to New York City (by myself) to help my dear friend Kara with her newborn. Kara had to head back to work and sweet Scarlett isn't quite ready for daycare. Scarlett and I spend 3 days bonding, playing dress up/photo shoot, singing (she cried every time is sang so I guess she didn't like that to well), walking the dog, and everything else that goes along with caring for a 6 week old baby. Boy was it nice to have to care for only one child. Although newborn days are quickly forgotten once they are gone, I will never forget the lack of sleep or the stress I endured during that time with my boys. I was nice to be the daytime caregiver, that got a full nights sleep, and to have only one to dedicate my time to. I sometimes feel sad that I didn't have more one on one time with each of my babies. We talk about making special days that we spend with each kiddo alone, but that hasn't really happened yet. The one day I did take Luke to the store with me all he was concerned about is where Carter was. Sadly, Carter didn't seem to worry about Luke to much. Oh how they are so different.

I loved to be able to visit Kara and help her with Scarlett for a few days. I did my best to convince her that the best place for her and Scarlett was right here in Texas. I even told her we could get an RV and hook it up to my house and we could be neighbors. She still didn't go for it. She really enjoys NY for some odd reason.
Kara was blessed to have you there. I bet it was fun dressing up a little girl.
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