Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Visiting some good friends

We spent the last week in Tennessee visiting some good friends. We were originally going to visit them for Thanksgiving, but with my mom getting back from Iraq during the same time we had to postpone our trip until now. The babies did exceptionally well with the travel. We drove 12 hours each way and I think they watched more TV during the drive than they have watched their entire life.
Luke and Carter had a blast playing with Ella (4 weeks their senior). They all would play then fight just like siblings, ugh-triplets. Thank goodness we only had to bring two back home with us, not sure I could handle three.
Although we really enjoyed our time away from home, we missed the biggest snow storm in history in our area. There was an record breaking 12 inches of snow that fell all in one day. The funny thing is along the drive there I was taking pictures of all the snow along the roadside to post on my facebook to brag to everyone back home. Little did I know that the next day they would be posting pictures of snow like I've never seen before. Needless to say, I never posted my 1 to 2 inch snow pics.
Here are several pictures of all the babies playing and having a fun.

Luke enjoying the 'tic toc' game. They loved this one. Each babies would lay on the floor holding their little legs in the air saying 'me, me'. Jamie really got his bicep workout.

We have this door, but I took it out to the garage cause they never play with it anymore. This is where Luke spent most of his time. I guess I may need to think twice about putting it on Craigslist.

We spent one morning at Chuck E Cheese's. This was a first for us and although we all enjoyed our time there, that place is expensive and they are just toddlers. I can imagine how much it will be once they are bigger. The price we will pay for a few hours of fun.

Jessica and myself. I'm so sad they live so far away. We had a wonderful trip and can't wait to see them again. I know Luke and Carter will miss their girlfriend Ella.

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