Friday, December 5, 2008

Let it snow---

Well we made Colorado that is. We left early Thrusday morning for a 12 hour drive to Colorado Springs to see my mom off. The drive went well-the babies slept most of the way, we left at 3am in hopes they would. As we got into New Mexico the snow started falling and it didn't stop until early this morning. Everything was covered in white. I love the snow, but I do have to say just getting the babies out the few times we did it's not fun and I don't think they like all the bundling. So with the long drive and the snowy roads we enjoyed watching it from our hotel window. Here are a few pictures of the countryside along the way--covered in snow. BEAUTIFUL!

1 comment:

Mooreeffoc said...

So glad your drive up went well. I hope the drive home is a breeze. I need to see a picture of those sweet boys bundle up all snug in the cold weather. :)