Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hanging with the Big Boys.

Thanks to the mild winter Texas has had we have been able to spend a lot of time outside. We take weekly visits to the zoo with our 13 month twin friends, Wes and Even. The Fort Worth Zoo is such a beautiful place to visit, they have animals of all kinds and a fun train that is very difficult to ride with twins. Allot of the time the animals are sleeping or just sitting like they are bored out of their minds. This week I was excited to see so many active animals, even as an adult its neat to see wild animals active in their endowment, or a replica of their endowment. Here are a few cute pictures of Carter standing at the monkey exhibit with Wes and Evan, Luke was asleep. They all happened to be in overalls so we thought it would be cute to get some pics.

They said on the news the other day that the ground hog did see his shadow so that means six more weeks of winter, which I find funny since we haven't really had a winter to begin with. So I'm interested to see what happens, I am really enjoying the weather.

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