Monday, August 17, 2009

All good things have to come to an end

We had to say good bye to my mom again today. Luckily this time it is only for a few months. Her deployment is over the beginning of December. We had a very busy, but fun two weeks. I have pretty much been off work and as you can tell off the computer-my blog is lagging. Although I'm sad to see my mom leave, I'm looking forward to getting back to our old routine. The babies are really starting to show their lack of rest and routine and so are my nerves.

We all headed out to the airport this morning to see Oma off. Since she is military we are able to go through security and stay with her until she boards the plane. The USO offers food for the soldiers and their families and some entertainment. But of course not enough for five active boys. Thank goodness for the padded play area close by. See photos.

I hate saying good bye so it was a little hard for me and besides she is my mommy and I loved having her around. We'll miss her and wait impatiently for her arrival in December.

1 comment:

Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

The goodbye picture is so sweet - it looks like the babies are super sad your mom is leaving. As a twin mom myself, I suspect they were upset that YOU weren't holding them anymore. :) I'll be praying for your mommy's safe return.