Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hip hip hooray today is our birthday!! I can't believe we all survived the first year. I wasn't sure about being a mom to one baby and for sure not to two. I can honestly say it hasn't gotten easier. I hear people say that all the time, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe later it will. Both babies, oops big boys, are doing great. I say big boys, cause one of my friends told me today that I can't call them babies any more, they are now big boys. I'm not to sure about that one, they are my babies and I like the term 'babies', but I guess for their sake I should refer to them as big boys. We had a great day today. BBQ with a few family members and of course our first taste of the sugary icing.
Also we had our one year pictures the other day and I would like to share them with you as always. We had a great time once again. The 'babies' did well until it came to cake time. Neither one of them wanted anything to do with the cake. Not sure if it's was the scenery or the texture. Major meltdown. We still managed to get some pictures and a few laughs. session code-twincake Enjoy!!!
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful babies I have ever known. I can't believe the joy these two little people have brought to my life. I am so proud to be their Mommy. I love you Luke! I love you Carter!

1 comment:

Mooreeffoc said...

Happy Birthday Luke & Cater! We love watching you grow :)