Friday, September 4, 2009

Lunch at Cheesecake Factory

Today we accompanied a few of our SS friends at the Parks Mall. We played, shopped and ate lunch all without a morning nap and with a huge crying fit from Luke earlier that morning. The past few times we have gone to a restaurant they have ended in a nightmare and that is with Jeff. We the girls mentioned going to Cheesecake Factory for lunch I was quick to say 'no thank you, there is no way I can sit in a restaurant by myself with two wild babies'. With very little convincing I decided to give it a chance with the understanding that once they start screaming and acting crazy I was getting a to box and I'll be out the door. Well to my surprise out of five sleepy babies not a single meltdown. All the babies sat at the table, ate their lunch and enjoyed each others company like they were five big kids. Thank you ladies for an awesome afternoon and helping me gain more courage that I can do this twin thing.


Mooreeffoc said...

I always love it when it works out so much better than you thought it would. Way to go Jill :)

CJAS said...

It's amazing to see how active you are with the boys :) You're a great mom !