Friday, February 5, 2010

18 Months and Counting

Today the babies turn 18 months and I am very proud that we are all still alive. I haven't killed the babies and they haven't killed us, well at least not yet. It has been the most wonderful 18 months of my life, although a bit of a rollercoster. We have had a ton of laughs, shed a billion tears, I have had feelings in my heart that I didn't know existed and I still have 16 1/2 more years of this to go. I can only imagine the emotions I will get to experience between now and then.
Both babies are growing well and really starting to become little people. They know when they are doing something wrong and actually Luke really like to tell me when Carter is getting into something he's not supposed to be in with a little finger wave towards him and a little 'no no no'. Humm, wonder where he got that one? Carter really likes to have us read to him or he will read to us, which is extremely cute and entertaining. Luke is my little lover. He is sweet to be around, so gentle and has the cutest little laugh. He loves his brother and really loves his mommy, which can get hard at times.
In celebration of the babies half birthday we spent the day together at the zoo. It was a bit chilly so we had the entire zoo to ourselves. The babies had a blast running and exploring the entire place. We saw a few animals, rode the train and were able to feed the birds.

Luke and Mommy on the train

Carter pestering the bird

Carter and Daddy finally caught one

It was such a treat to have Daddy with us

Run Luke!!
There are many days Jeff and I look at each other and ask 'what have we gotten ourselves into?' But truthfully, I wouldn't change a thing. I love my babies more than I could have ever imagined and I am proud to be their Mommy.


Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

Half-y birthday, sweet boys!

Hua said...

Congrats on the 18th month celebration of your boys! I'm glad to hear that they haven't killed you yet, haha.

I hope all is well and I look forward to more updates.

Take care,

Director of Blogger Relations