Wednesday, April 21, 2010

'Hello-Hello-Bye Bye'

Sorry I haven't been very good about posting. I have been brain dead by the end of the day and can't find the energy to write. First, I do want to update on the chicks. We gave them up for adoption to Jeff's aunt who already owns a chicken coop. Sadly, one poor chick didn't make it, but the four others are doing great and growing fast. I plan to take the babies to visit them soon. Second, our new room is coming along great. The outside should be complete after this weekend then the living in a construction site will begin. It should be interesting with two toddlers and open construction. I'm sure we'll figure it out like we seem to with all other things.

I caught this video this evening. Luke and Carter are so cute with the phone. They take anything they can find, hold it to their ear then you hear-'hello- jadkf aljf o dkja-bye-bye'. Or, if I'm talking on the phone in the car, when I hang up they will say 'bye-bye'. It is amazing to me how fast kids today are picking up on technology and how fast things are changing. I guess that is due to them always seeing us on the phones, computers, etc. I have to keep reminding myself that my children are growing up in a different time than I did. The video isn't very exciting, but cute. Enjoy!!!

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