Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Girls Road Trip

My hand picked Easter flowers from my babies. This past weekend was a very busy one. We spent Saturday starting on our sun room we are adding onto our house. My dad is helping us construct it. He and Jeff worked very hard Saturday and finished all the framing. We are getting the windows in this week and will place then this coming weekend. I will post pics of it at a later time. After a fulls day of work we had Easter dinner with Jeff's family and ANOTHER Easter egg hunt-this made #3. Everyone had a great time helping the babies hunt the eggs and eat the candy. We were fortunate to have my mom here with us for the long weekend. She came into town unexpectedly to gather the remaining of the things. She rented a UHaul and spent two days loading it up. Let me explain something here-she had help both days from my brother and Bryan to load the truck with her old furniture, boxes and boxes of books, pictures and 30 years of all her memories. I wasn't there during all the packing, but when we arrived in Colorado to unload the truck it was only she and I!! When she asked me if I were interested in taking a few days off work for a little girls road trip she seemed to leave this small detail out. Needless to say, we unloaded all the furniture into her third level apartment (there was an elevator-thank goodness) and all the heavy boxes into her storage building on post. I have a few bruises on my shins from the dolly, but I am very proud of us to get it all complete on our own. Who needs men anyway? After finishing unloading the UHaul, we traveled north to visit my cousin (which is the real reason why I agreed to go). She gave birth to twins on March 19th. A beautiful girl and a very handsome boy (Alyssa and Collin). Alyssa and Collin's total baby weight was the exact as Luke and Carter's. Katie was two weeks further along than me, so either the babies ran out of room to grow anymore or my babies would have been huge if I were to make it two more weeks. I'm glad I don't have to find out. I'm so happy I was able to meet Alyssa and Collin and play with their big sister, Lauren. Katie, I'm very proud of you and you are doing an awesome job. It only gets easier from here. Well at least that is what I have heard, but haven't experienced it yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it still will.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!

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