Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our monthly Meetup

We spent Saturday evening with three of our closest sets of twins. I am very thankful for the relationships I have developed with some of the mom's in my twins group. It is so nice to have someone else to relate to when it comes to raising multiples. I'm lucky that we are the youngest of our foursome (or eightsome) that I always have three other mom's to consult with when trying to figure out the next step in this thing called 'motherhood'. We try to get together once a month for an evening. Last month we hosted at our house, so this month it was Wes and Evan's turn to host. We always love going to Wes and Evan's to play. They have a wonderful yard and a ton of cool things to do. Luke really enjoyed driving the car, which he didn't want to share with anyone, and Carter made his way around trying everything at least once until he managed to get his feet stuck in this tree. After I rescured him, he was off to explore again. I look forward to our next meetup with our friends and the many future playdates we will have together.
Landen and Holden Reagan (the only girl of the eight)
with Cason next to Lukie
Wes and Evan chasing bubbles

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