Sunday, June 7, 2009

Congratulations to our Cousin Eric

After our travels to Hot Springs we turned around for another road trip to Paris, Texas. Friday night our youngest cousin graduated from High School. We drove down for the evening and had a really great time. We were happy to see Aunt Geri who has been spending all her time in Odessa with Joseph. Joseph was in a horrible rock climbing accident while camping with some college buddies during spring break. He is in good condition and on the road to recovery. It has been a long, rocky road thus far and we will keep praying for him and his family. Back to the graduation-I find it amusing listening to all these kids talk about how they can't wait to grad high school or college. Why? What is so great after college? Bills? Responsibility? Oh, my wonderful husband and adorable children. But really, we can't wait to grow up, but then we do and it only gets better. I just kept telling they to not wish their time away, it will be here before they know it.
We also got to see our Cousin Debbie as well. She is in the Navy and stationed in San Diego. We actually just saw her last month while we were there, but you can't ever get enough of Debbie. She made a last minute trip to see her little brother graduate and to surprise him with a trip back to San Diego for two weeks with her.
It was great to spend some time with our family. Good luck Eric and congratulations.

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