Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sporting the g diaper

These little pants are so darn cute and environment friendly. I got on to g pants when we were getting ready for our nine month pictures and Kristina suggested we take pictures of the babies in diaper covers. I searched for cute inexpensive diaper covers and came up with the g pant system, with a little help from my cousin, Brigid. G stands for green! You can either flush the liner or trash it. It is biodegradable so it stays in the land fields for a fraction of the time of a disposable one and they are fairly easy to use. The main down fall is they are a bit more expensive than disposable diapers, but if you get them on sale than it is well worth it. So we will see how it goes. We sure go through a lot of diapers so what little bit I could help, I will.

1 comment:

Brigid said...

The pictures look great! The diapers turned out so cute! Can't believe how big the boys are getting....I think they outweigh Alexis now.