Sunday, June 14, 2009

Yeah for cousins!!

We love all our cousins!! This weekend our cousins Gavin and Mason came to stay with us. We always have so much fun with them. Gavin has finally figured out which baby is Luke and which is Carter. He told me 'it's just so hard cause they are both babies', but by the end of the evening he had it down. He is so darn cute, I can't believe how much he has grown in the past year. He's now a little boy. Mason is just so sweet to the babies. His main goal each time he sees them is to see which one he can make laugh first. He's a great helper. He helped with their bath and feeding them. Mason told me he was already ready for school to start back up. He has always really liked school, so I took an advantage of having him around and had him read books to the babies.
I am so thankful Mason and Gavin came to stay with us this weekend and I look forword to spending more time with them again soon.

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