Wednesday, July 29, 2009

35 weeks pregnant

I started this post one day last week, but never finished it or posted it. I thought it was still interesting enough to share it so I am. This is a pic of my at 35 weeks pregnant and just looking at it hurts my back. This was taken one week before the babies were actually born. Man was I huge!!! Jeff and I laugh when we see these picture, cause we didn't realize how big I was or how swollen my feet got. Oh, well you can't see my feet, but if you could you would understand why we called them Shreck feet. We also laugh that every picture of me at this stage was in this same outfit. I guess it's about all that would fit. Well little did I know our lives were about to change. By the end of this week of my pregnancy I would be giving birth to my two precious babies. I am getting excited for their birthday and our trip to Disney World (birthday #2). What lucky little boys. Enjoy the pic and have fun laughing at me.

1 comment:

Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

What a cute pregnant person you were! :)