Friday, July 10, 2009

Cool Salad Bar Meetup/playgroup

Today Luke, Carter and I hosted a playgroup at our house for our Stroller Strides friends. The theme was Cool Salad Bar, so each person brought a salad to share with the group. We had a wonderful turnout with some great salads. We just sat and ate while the babies played their little hearts out. Thanks to all our SS friends who made it out, I've enjoyed getting to know everyone.


jocalyn said...

Aren't special needs kids allowed at your playgroups??!?!?! That's discrimination!!

TOTALLY kidding. Hope you're doing well. Call me this weekend if you're up for a run. I've been slacking!

Miss you!

Unknown said...

We had fun. thanks for hosting. I've added yoru blog to mind...hope that's okay:)

Mooreeffoc said...

It is so cute to see so many babies together! I hope you have found some great friends with Stroller Strides and it is helping you prepare for the 3-day. :) I would love to see a picture of your group mommies, babies and strollers.