Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs With Our Cousins

Man, I can't remember the last time I colored Easter eggs. That is one of the fun things about having children, you get to do all the things you did as a kid all over again. So I took an advantage and got in on the egg decorating. Although I do realize my babies are a bit to little to understand or have interest in coloring eggs. But maybe sometimes we just use our kids as our excuse to be kids ourselves. At any rate I enjoyed spending time with my nephews and making dull white eggs into bright, creative pieces of art. Gavin, almost 4, really enjoyed using the little wire egg scooper to transfer the eggs from color to color. I think his fingers were about as colored as most the eggs, but he had a good time and that's what matters most. Here is Gavin and his "most beautiful" egg.

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