Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lemon Head

I have been nervous about giving the babies any sort of food with texture. I'm afraid they are going to choke and then I won't know what to do. I know it is part of the learning process on how to eat and that the baby will work the object out, but I have postponed on table foods for as long as I could. We have slowly started to put very small pieces in their mouths and yes they do choke, but like my doc told me they will gag a little and be fine. They are now eating watermelon, cheerios, puffs and yogurt bites. At lunch today a co worker of mine offered Carter a lemon. It's always fun to watch the baby give a silly sour face when given a lemon. Not Cater, he just sucked on the lemon like it was a bottle of juice. He is so silly!!! He basically ate the lemon whole. We tried Luke, but he wasn't as interested as Carter.

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