Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Official

It's official-my babies are not babies anymore.  Actually I think it was official when they turned 1 and again when they turned 2 or maybe it will be official when they are fully potty trained.  Either way they continue to show me that they are growing full force and we had to check another big step off our list this week.
 Big boy beds!!!!

I only thought they are taking an extra long nap.
After a few days of fighting to keep them in their cribs and always having the fear that they would fall while getting out we decided it was time to make the big change.  I have dreaded this change due to the lack of sleep I felt they would get. When one wakes up he can now go bug his brother who may still need to rest.  Along with the playing that goes on before they actually fall asleep.  So far they have really done well.   Maybe waiting so long has actually worked for our benefit. They are very excited about their 'big beds' and have talked about and played in them all day.   

Trying to figure out what daddy is doing to his bed
Giving it a test jump

Super excited and confussed at the same time
In bed ready for his first nights sleep.

In bed and ready for mom to shut the door so he can destroy
OUT!!!  After he depstroyed!!!

Sleeping peacefully

Just for the record, they will always be my babies.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I just got anxiety reading this!! LOL I dont think I will be as lucky to keep him in the crib for so long. Liam already stands and tries to step on his bumper...aye aye aye...he is def going to learn to escape before 2 1/2!!!!