Friday, March 27, 2009


After a busy week of work and the weather turning cold today, we decided to stick around the house. Although some what a boring day, we found ways to stay busy. We started with the vaccum. When I started the vaccum cleaner both babies quickly turned to it and followed me around the room, staying in one place of course just turning in little circles on their tummies. I was surprised how excited they were over a vaccum.

Througout the day I deciede to see how many pictures I could get of Carter with something hanging out of his mouth. He is so funny!! Anything he gets his hands on goes straight to his mouth, but unlike most babies he keeps it there while he continues with what he was doing.

We had a good time with our tubby also. The babies we so cute trying to catch the water as it fell. They kept pushing each other out of the way in attempt to get the water. I tried to keep this G rated so hopefully there isn't any visible privates, for the babies sake.

Well that is our day in a nutshell. Not really to BORING. There is always something funny or cute going on around here and I can only imagine how much more fun and exciting it is going to get. I love it!!!!

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