Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to our Aunt Kara

Kara and I have been friends since we were two years old. We lived on the same street growing up and she was the first to introduce me to little people and my little pony. My grandmother discovered that we are very, very distant cousins and since then we have always felt like family. Kara and I were roommates after college and have been through more together than most friends can claim. We have laughed, cried, drank to many beers and traveled together. We also made a promise that we would run our first marathon together before we turned 30 and in June 2006 we did just that in San Diego, California. I have learned so much from Kara and I am thankful everyday for the friendship she has given to me.

The last month she has been our little roomy staying on our couch while she is in transition from Colorado to New York for a job transfer. She has been a big help with the babies and I think she has had enough exposure to baby puke and poo to put her desire for motherhood to the side for now. Kara, thank you so much for everything you have taught me, good and bad, and for being such a wonderful friend/sister. Hope you have a happy birthday and here's to many more. Cheers!!
I am on the left and Kara on the right

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