Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wow-What a Week!

First of all I have to say kudos to all you working moms. I worked full time this week and I didn't like it to much. I missed my babies and I'm super tired. My office is so busy there isn't much down time so working four days makes for a long week. On top of coming home and being a mommy. I am just so thankful that I don't have to work full time and that I have an even balance between work and being Luke and Carter's Mommy.

This week the babies have made some changes. Carter is trying so hard to crawl. He is getting his arms locked out and his knees under him, but he doesn't know what to do from there. It is amazing to see their minds at work and how they connect one thing to the next.
Luke is working on getting his top central incisors. He is a bit irritable and not sleeping to well. Actually I think one peeked through today-thank goodness. He is such a sweet baby and I hate it when he's unhappy, as any mother would.

I decided to try something new for bath time. Since they are sitting so well on their own and getting to big for their little bath tub, we had our first "tubby". I put a few inches of water in the tub along with all their bath toys and you should have seen the smile on their faces. They know when they are doing something "big boy" and they love to rub it in my face. They were so cute trying grab the toys are they floated away and splashing the water everywhere.

1 comment:

Mooreeffoc said...

I love all of your new posts!