Sunday, March 15, 2009

I think they like each other.

They are so silly and like to laugh at each other. I love watching them play together and hearing their sweet little voices. Sometimes I tell Jeff that I wish we had them seperate so we could spend more quality time with each one for they are growing up so fast. I do my best to show them individually how much I love them, but with life as busy as it is I feel I slack at times. I feel sad everytime I see another piece of baby gear leave my house. I wish it were going to the storage for the next baby, being Luke or Carter, instead of in the pile for my 3 day fundraising sale. I am very proud of my two babies and charish every day with them, but as most mothers would know it's hard knowing that the baby time goes so quickly. Thank goodness for cameras, video and my photographic memory. I am thankful everyday for my babies and couldn't imagine my life without them together.

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