Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

What a beautiful day! For a forecast of rain all weekend it ended up being quite an enjoyable holiday. I remember when I was little that we would say Memorial Day is the indicator that summer is here. We started ours off with a cookout and a splash in the pool. Jeff's brother and his family cooked ribs, steak and fried fish and had everyone down help them eat it all. The babies had some new foods-mashed potatoes, mandarin oranges and pineapple, which they tolerated very well. They are actually getting bored of the baby food now. They are ready for 'real' food so we are in the process of getting on all table food. The babies played with their cousins in their little pool and wore their adorable matching sun hats and swim shorts (I'm saying this because Jeff hates the hats on the babies, but I think they are cute). Luke loves being in the water, he kicks his legs and splashes water on everyone near by. Doug also played some tunes for the babies on his guitar. Carter liked the guitar and tried to play a few notes himself. We decided L may become a swimmer and C will be a musician. Thank you Doug and Annette for the wonderful food and summer here we come.

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