Thursday, May 14, 2009

The trash man

We have a new trash man in our home and his name is Carter. Right now he stands up to everything. He doesn't really even play with his toys anymore. It's all a game of what else can I try to stand up to, even my pant leg.

Luke is still doing very well. He has mastered moving from his little bottom to his belly and very graceful at that. And he is the army crawling king. The doc did tell us that army crawling is a form of crawling and that's just the way he may choose to stick with. Fine by us--he's a tad bit slower so I can catch him before he's gone, unlike his brother. Now that C is getting better and much faster with his crawling Jeff and I find ourselves picking up L and saying "come on Carter, this way" as we walk to the bedroom or where ever it is we are going. Well I think I can officially say "we are on the move". I just hope they hold out a bit to start walking.

1 comment:

Oma said...

Someone put a uniform on that boy and give him a gun! Uncle Sam needs a few good men!