Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Let me explain this one...

On Monday's I carpool with a co-worker, so on most mornings I will open the door to the garage so I can hear her pull up. This past Monday I followed my normal routine and went to the kitchen to finish getting my bag ready. Down at my feet I had a little helper named Carter. When I left the kitchen I looked at the open door and thought-I would hear him if he were to crawl down the hall to that door. So I sat down to get my shoes on and wait for Brenda to arrive. Jeff soon asks "where's Carter", "in the kitchen" I reply. He makes his way to the kitchen and says "you know the door is open". "I know, but I'm listening for him and he's in the kitchen", "no he's not" he says. I turned around to find Jeff holding Carter in covered in grease. He made his way to the garage and went straight for Jeff's boat tire which doesn't have a cover on the wheel thing and is covered with grease. How quick and sneaky they can be. And what a lesson for me. If your eyes aren't on them, then you don't know what they are doing.

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