Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nine Months and Counting

I am happy to say my baby boys are now nine months. It is amazing to me how fast they grow and learn. I am trying so hard not to be sad that they growing, but be happy for all the changes. A co-worker and very dear friend of mine once told me to enjoy each stage instead of spending my time being sad that they are growing so fast. Thank you Andrea for the wonderful advise. I cherish every day and every moment with these two little guys. I look forward to the wonderful memories and experiences we will get to share together. The joy of watching them grow into successful HANDSOME young men. Instead of whining over the time that has already past, I look forward to the time we have ahead of us.
L&C have changed so much in the past few weeks. My precious Luke can army crawl anywhere he needs to get and his brother is already climbing on things, oh goodness!! They are starting to eat soft fingers foods and enjoy playing together. We have our well child exam next week, but Jeff and I couldn't wait any longer to weigh them. Luke is about 15 pounds and Carter is about 20. I can't believe there is a 5 pound difference in them. Actually I can, just hold them for a min. I am so happy for both of them and what a lucky person I am to get to be their mommy.

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