Friday, May 22, 2009

Snacks for Racks!

As most of you know I am walking in the Breast Cancer 3 Day this coming Nov. I have a goal of 2,300 dollars I am trying to raise before the walk. I am close to a thousand already so I feel I am on track to meet my goal. Along with all the wonderful donations I have received from friends and family I am also doing some fundraising myself to help me along the way. One of my friends decided to participate in their fifth annual neighborhood yard sale so I had my 3 Day fundraising bake sale with them. My wonderful MIL and Aunt Linda made some homemade snacks for me and my work donated cake, brownies, cookies and mangos to add to my sale. Martha and I set up early Friday morning and by noon I think I had already sold half of my goods. I feel it was a very successful sale and I am so thankful to everyone who donated and who helped me prepare for my bake sale. Now that I have that behind me I can focus on my yard sale I plan on having mid June. Wish me luck!

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